300 Android phones, 2 desktop computers, custom shelves and platform
Variable dimensions
A site-specific installation of a 300-mobile phone click farm disseminating digitally constructed images of a solo exhibition being held in the same space at the same time

“La Bodeguita De La Concordia'' (“La Concordia’s Little Click Farm”), is a site-specific installation for the Luis Caballero National Art Prize in Colombia. It comprises a network of three hundred mobile phones, each running customized Instagram accounts and managed by two operators. Through constant posting and interacting, this network positions a fictional body of work produced using photorealistic 3D imaging software throughout the Instagram social platform as the artist’s own entry for the prize. Therefore, the project exists in a tension of two spaces: the physical installation of the click farm and its operators and the social reality virtually propagated using this network. “La Bodeguita De La Concordia'' employs the typology of click farms to problematize the visual culture of social media and its effects on art audiences, specifically in the context of a national art prize during social distancing. It activates awareness around the context of constant digital interaction and invites the audience to reflect on the complexity of the systems underneath the shiny screens.